Stable financial structure for sustainable future

Summary consolidated financial statements

statement of
financial position

(In: 1M won)
Sortation The end of 2023 The end of 2022 The end of 2021 The end of 2020
Current Assets 394,803 434,030 461,203 446,558
Non-Current Assets 344,573 356,762 310,437 219,521
Total asset 739,376 790,792 771,640 666,079
Current Liabilites 372,678 379,837 370,130 286,061
Non-Current Liabilites 45,636 46,026 27,966 5,299
Total Liabilites 418,314 425,863 398,096 291,360
Controlling Interests 310,361 354,000 362,759 371,119
Non-Controlling Interests 10,702 10,929 10,785 3,600
Total Equity 321,063 364,929 373,544 374,718
Total Liabilites & Equity 739,376 790,792 771,640 666,079

Income statement

(in: 1M won)
Sortation 2023 year 2022 year 2021 year 2020 year
Sales 890,055 933,286 813,876 646,136
Cogs 444,993 465,806 385,756 271,486
Gross Profit 445,061 467,478 428,120 374,649
Sg&A Expenses -439,489 -439,926 398,872 360,656
Operating Profit 5,572 27,552 26,789 13,993
Other Income 4,333 5,060 36,166 6,213
Other Expenses -38,876 -16,364 7,286 6,980
Finance Income 5,774 4,331 7,431 1,926
Finance Expenses -12,524 -10,938 7,711 11,253
Pre-Tax Profit -37,955 7,316 55,388 3,526
Tax 5,756 3,929 11,211 3,169
Net Profit -32,199 3,109 44,177 358.0

Summary non-consolidated financial statements

statement of
financial position

(in: 1M won)
Sortation The end of 2023 The end of 2022 The end of 2021 The end of 2020
Current Assets 300,534 343,476 356,272 405,503
Non-Current Assets 333,520 331,876 307,771 233,751
Total asset 634,055 675,352 664,043 639,255
Current Liabilites 254,370 251,737 242,190 260,375
Non-Current Liabilites 25,325 25,617 18,838 3,757
Total Liabilites 279,695 277,355 261,027 264,131
Total Equity 354,360 397,997 403,016 375,123
Total Liabilites & Equity 634,055 675,352 664043.0 639,255

Income statement

(in: 1M won)
Sortation 2023 year 2022 year 2021 year 2020 year
Sales 697,897 731,150 686,497 632,552
Cogs 273,935 285,121 274,168 265,763
Gross Profit 423,962 446,029 412,329 366,789
Sg&A Expenses -413,119 -415,256 379,548 347,398
Operating Profit 10,843 30,773 30,724 19,391
Other Income 3,797 4,214 35,473 6,737
Other Expenses 46,859 -16,014 6,473 5,995
Finance Income 1,415 1,161 2,417 1,673
Finance Expenses 7,536 -7,299 5,298 11,599
Pre-Tax Profit -38,340 12,835 56,844 10,207
Tax 4,812 5,927 13,142 2,471
Net Profit -33,528 6,908 43,702 7,736